10-Day Detox.


In the 10-Day Detox we will immerse in a slightly stricter cleanse. A detox journey with extra support for the liver and kidneys, your most important cleansing organs.

The last 10-day Detox was the Green Clean Spring Detox in April 2018. A new one will start in autumn. Date to be decided.

A deep cleansing food detox with great easy-to-follow recipes. The use of cleansing herbs, food supplements and herbal teas will help you support your body ridding from toxins that have been stored for a longer period of time.

You will not feel hungry, we do avoid a greater amount of starches and carbohydrates and focus on green crazily nutritious fresh produce.

The 10-Day Detox includes:

The Starters kit

  • Program Guidelines Booklet
  • Detox supplement guide
  • Detox Recipe Booklet
  • A Meal Planner
  • A Menu Planner
  • Shopping List

Daily Coaching Email

I personally support your detox with a morning email with detox information, inspiration and tips.

Detox Facebook Group

Exclusive Facebook Community for the detox members.

Email support

Do you have questions during the detox? I personally answer your question within 24-hrs.

Your health investment: 950 SEK or €95.



”After 20 years, something that actually works and just keeps on working.”
”I feel lighter in my body, clearer in my head and my skin looks really healthy.”


Hi there!


If you need help or if you are having a question. Let me know by leaving me a message.

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