10 Lifestyle Tips to ease Menopause Symptoms
Soothe the effects of hormonal changes.
In my work as a yoga teacher and health coach I meet a lot of women who are going through the waves of menopause. Most women are between 45 – 55 and today this means we are still very much in the prime of our lives. 40 is supposed to be the new 20 right?
You are busy raising our kids and have full focus on our career, our love life and our social life. And in the midst of this you enter menopause. You get hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes and may add some extra weight you find difficult to loose. There is very little understanding or support from society and the work environment for the possible symptoms and difficulties women go through during menopause. It is just not such a sexy topic to talk about. So women themselves are greatly the cause of letting menopause stay in the grey zone of acceptance and understanding.
It helps to share and talk about this natural phase in a woman’s life. I do want to help women to go through this natural and challenging stage in life with dignity and look at the nutritional and lifestyle changes women can make to soothe the process of hormonal changes.
It is important to understand that nutrition and lifestyle can help you prepare, ease and balance your sensitive hormonal balance and soothe the symptoms when you are well on your way with hot flushes and feelings of unease.
By adding some simple steps to your daily lifestyle, you will support your body and your mind better going through these inevitable changes.
Here are 10 nutrition and lifestyle tips to support your hormonal system during menopause:
1. Go organic
Go easy on yourself but try to eat organic where you can to receive the best nutrients from the food you eat. There are certain foods these days where organic is a necessity if you want to keep toxins away from that precious temple that is your body. Choosing clean, unprocessed and possibly organic foods is one of the best ways to support your organs and endocrine system.
2. Hydrate; drink lots of water
Drink at least eight glasses of fresh water a day. Start making the habit.
Water can easily help with regulating your body, especially if you drink it routinely, as it naturally flushes out your system and carries out all of the material and waste. Drinking lots of water will contribute to healthier and clearer skin, better organ function, and better performance of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems. Try to drink water 10 minutes before and 30 minutes after every meal to give your food the time to digest with the use of enzymes and stomach acid.
3. Add more greens to your diet
You know it already, but vegetables are the best sources of vital nutrients. At the start of your lunch, you can add a little salad first before eating the rest of your meal. Another way to add more vegetables to your diet is to include them in smoothies and juices. Don’t be afraid to try out new combinations. Celery is the secret ingredient to your apple, ginger, and lemon juice. Radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, and chlorella are other greens you can experiment with in juices and smoothies that help cleanse and rebalance your hormonal system. Especially organically grown greens are filled with great vitamins, minerals, protein and good bacteria and these are very important for hormone balance and healthy thyroid function. Seaweed is also a real superfood that you can start to regularly include in your diet.
4. Boost Vitamin C with lemon
In my detox programs I recommend starting your day with lemon water. Drinking lemon in the morning will give you all the benefits of vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients from the lemon. Vitamin C produces glutathione, which helps your liver to drive away toxins.
5. Replace your second cup of coffee with herbal and green teas
I know it can be hard to say goodbye to caffeine, but you have options! As a rule drink rather one cup of good quality coffee per day then several mediocre ones.
Herbs such as dandelion root, burdock, and milk thistle can cleanse and protect the liver. Chamomile is another herb that not only helps with insomnia, but also helps in breaking down your food after a meal.
Green tea is an important source of antioxidants in their natural form, and it gives a tiny boost of caffeine that can satisfy that craving in early mornings. All herbal teas will help regulate fluid and hydration in the body and this so important to keep your hormones functioning clearly.
6. Add fibre to your diet
Adding fibre to your diet not only helps cleansing the body from residue and waste that can block proper hormonal function. Adding more fibre also helps with digestion and weight loss. When our bodies hold onto substances in our digestive tract, it can sometimes be hard to get rid of them and they can cause an imbalance in your blood and other organs and hormonal system. Fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, brown rice, and whole grains are the best way to get fibre in its natural form.
7. Sweat it out
Exercise is important for all body’s functions including clearing your mind. It’s also about letting all the toxins out of your body through perspiration and breathing. When you exercise you’re getting rid of toxins that may have been built up inside your body. This will help with both digestion and circulation. When you are unable to exercise, try going to a sauna, or take a mineral salt bath to improve circulation.
8. Try a juice fast
A one to 3 day juice fast (replacing solid foods with healthy fruit and vegetable juices) can help your body to recuperate from all stresses. A juice fast can be beneficial for the digestive tract and set free energy to balance your body. Fasting during a weekend when you have no events on or distractions might be easier than doing it during the week. You might be surprised by how good you feel afterwards.
9. Get more and better quality of sleep
It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Your body needs the rest to rebuild itself for the next day, and so does your mind. Try to start thinking of sleep as a priority and something that you cannot miss out on. Work out the time you need to be in bed by in order to get your eight hours, and try to modify activities to fit into that schedule. Make your bedroom a quiet sanctuary and leave electronic devices outside of your bedroom as much as possible.
10. Eat probiotics
The benefits of probiotics are increasingly being recognised. The good bacteria that live in your gut and helps to maintain a positive balance in your digestive system. Probiotics help to eliminate the bad bacteria in your body and are commonly found in yoghurt, fermented foods and fresh organic green vegetables. You can also buy be them in supplement form. Your body naturally has probiotics, however if you have a poor diet or have recently undergone a treatment of antibiotics, your body may be low in probiotics. Adding more probiotics to your diet can be a great way to support a healthy hormonal balance in your body.
Enjoy life in good health,
Who am I?
My name is Saskia Snikkenburg and I coach people to feel good and live a healthy life with better planning and less stress. Curious? Read more about Saskia right here or contact me directly.